Monday, January 4, 2010

Bebe Nursery Inspiration Board: La-La Lollygag Style

Is there anything sweeter than a new baby? I can think of nothing better than the romance of a tiny one.

These firsts are imbedded into my memory forever. The beginnings of lifelong love affairs with my children. How about the first stroll thru the neighborhood with your newborn tightly rolled and tucked? There is no hurry in your step...It's just a proud, soft lollygag.

I'm so thrilled to be working on a bebe nursery for a very special mom and pop expecting their first one this spring {not for me}. Inspirations: Soft palette + Simple Euro Charm + Gentle illustrations by Rebecca Davis. The mom-to-be chose a really darling bed, don't you think?

Remembering my Spring Arrival:
Sylvie was a spring baby two short years ago. I know I never will forget we arrived home from the hospital to a house filled w/fresh garden cut flower arrangements. Every room was filled w/three and four arrangements that Will had gathered himself to surprise his girls...fragrant lilacs, snowballs, tulips, redbuds and iris...all in sweet little ball jars everywhere. Our porches even had flowers on them. I thought I had come home to heaven.

I'm anxious to show you the green wedding images from last weekend's wedding. Also, in the works...a Craft Bash. My house + goodies + Bubbly!

xo and Best,

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