Tuesday, November 27, 2012


As most of you know, I'm the mom of five, and the middle of nine kids.  My life has been full from the very beginning with little time for pauses or pocketfuls of money.  One thing I find of great comfort is the soft drive of taking my son to high school in the mornings every now and then {when he lets me}.  That drive happens to also be the very exact route my mom would take me.  To the very same school.  A soft drive through our old neighborhood and past the old park.  She would turn on NPR every morning on that drive.  It was one of the few one-on-one moments I had with her.  I know I didn't probably appreciate that time much back then. But I wish I could tell mom now that I very much appreciate her ritual she shared with me.  It was a gift.

Yesterday, on my drive there to school, we listened to a piece on NPR.  You can read the story here.  #GIVINGTUESDAY. It moved me.  Quite a lot.  It reminded me of years past.  It reminded me of a Christmas when us Arnolds were given special gifts by a generous 'giver'.  That one time.  I don't know what mom and dad were going through back then but 'that gifting' has stuck with me ever since.

I am hopeful to make a difference in some other people's lives on this very first #GivingTuesday, as they call it.   I'm grateful that it doesn't have to be a big check signed off at the end of the year.  It can be however big I am able to give. Maybe it's just time.  Maybe it's just a soft drive.  Maybe it's listening.  What is most important this holiday season?  What will you give?  

Much Love,


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