MY WISH LIST from my new favorite shopping site;
Vand M{Vintage and Modern}. I must've been living under a rock or something because I'd never heard of it until recently while I was at
design camp. A group of us designer campers were invited to go have a bite for dinner with the co founder of V&M {a sponsor of camp}. Bill Indursky. A magnetic, smart, and quirky guy. He was a fantastic speaker who had us revved up from the GET-GO at camp!

While at dinner, he shared with us his personal and inspiring story of growing several businesses and then his latest, V&M. V&M one of the fastest growing curated online marketplaces on the internet. We all know about 1st Dibbs, right? Well, V&M is a close second to it with it's impeccable selections. It's known for more affordable prices, however. Who doesn't love that?
When we all parted from dinner that night, Bill told us to be prepared for his 'TREND' talk the following day with his over the top attire. We tried to guess but would've never guess him to be
sporting head to toe tattoos, some sort of slick material-ed kilt skirt, spiked gloves, and shiny gold high top nikes. Almost as catchy as his talk. ALMOST!
Go check out V&M! You'll be glad you did!!
OKAY, here is what's on my wish list from V&M. {Btw, how many times have I said V&M in this post? I can't say it enough!}
I would love to add this bleached wood trestle table to my new home office. It would be an amazing desk. What I really love is that it has a parque top.
This guy is definitely on my list. Not for cheerleading particularly, but for waking my teenagers up. I hope they come in extra large! It's only $200. I LOVE the look of these megaphones.
Great paper weight.
I'm ordering this suzani for a client and hoping to order a couple extra for our new house.
Vintage metal baskets always come in handy for art supplies, linens, and books.
This turtle shell is so sweet. Turtle shells for good luck for the coming year. {This is an antique turtle shell and is not on the endangered list.}
Hope you're having a good start to this holiday week!