I'm Inspired.
I'll start right at the top of the list:
1. Inspired by This is one of the leading wedding p.r. sites in the wedding industry. Leila inspires me daily, beyond words. I first found out about her through the ever-amazing Carissa Jones of JLDesigns, of L.A., CA...who I will have the pleasure of working with on a very special, knock-your-socks off, bohemian wedding in fall 2010.
Leila has given us, here at S.TaylorDesigns, such an honor of being highlighted in one of the prime spots of the year. Thanksgiving.
Thanks so much, Leila, and Brittany!
The Team that Made this Shoot Possible:
2. Ruell Chappell, co-founder of the Well Fed Neighborhood Alliance--The local sustainability visionary!
3. Chef Rob Corliss, founder of ATE {All Things Epicurean}
4. Photographer, Sesha Shannon, of Convey Studios.
6. Other Contributors include:
Millsaps Farms
Stoney Acres Sheep Dairy
Springfield Farmers Market
Sunshine Valley Farms
Honey Heaven
Ozark Country Kitchen
Mountain View Farmers Market
Brown Derby Wine Center
Charley’s Antiques
Ter Ron Kat Gardens
I am thankful for each of these inspiring artists, farmers, and contributors above. I hope to have many more grand experiences such as this one. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Stay tuned next week for my interior design makeover updates.