I'm obsessed with beautiful things, but I'm even more obsessed with finding the beauty in the overlooked and under-appreciated things. Our Grandma was a dumpster diver who rode around on her bike looking for "treasures" in her dress and high heels. She found some dandies along her alley way.
"Above the grub", as our good friend Charlotte says when we arrive for tea at her house wearing our smocked dresses and Mary Janes. She knows what we've been up to.
Here are some Taylor-Made Do It Yourself projects. The pub bar was found at a local flea market for free. Will has to be given the credit for this project. He chiseled the grubby stuff off, painted it, edged it in copper and added lighting. I will be sharing more of his DIY projects on here as well. He just built a rustic (and I DO mean rustic, cold-water) open air shower in our back yard. You won't be seeing me out there in my skivs today.
The sofa was a flea market "nana". It's been thru several re-do's. It was photographed as a DIY project for Better Homes and Gardens. I've used it for a weddings and events and for retail merchandising.
Alright folks, the fridge photo up top, is from a fun photo shoot I will be sharing in a few weeks. I just threw it in here because it's one of the latest simple DIY projects that I just love, love, love... and I knew you would too. It's a vintage fridge that was a rusted, chalky, and all scraped up on the exterior. Will painted the outside of it, a yummy shade of green. More to come on this one, but Whatta ya think of what you can see of it thus far? I just want to stock it up with sweets, sweets and more fun festivities.
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and am hopeful of the same for you in this new week!
x's and o'sies.