Could it be any prettier outside on these first few days of May?? Oh, dear May, oh my...I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am!
Before I get to my three Spring Must-Haves, I must tell you that I've
I've decided to, at some point, in the next week or so, throw myself an impromptu garden/porch party to celebrate rose-blossoming week. For those of you who know me in the 'hood, you probly know that we really like to use our wrap around porch quite a bit, which could be why it's starting to sag... quite a lotta-bit. Anyway, right now, the climbing rose bushes look like they've been bio-genetically engineered since last year (thanks to the constant gardener, Will}. Will has a green thumb {have I mentioned that he is for hire on landscaping? well, he is.}. The wrap around porch is now literally wrapped with tons of leggy rose branches topped with so many, many buds. And dear friends of mine, if you're in the 'hood, please feel free to walk on up and smell our roses! {Please just don't snip all of them..ha!}
For the last few years, I've been buying myself some rose bushes for my May birthday. One of my favorites is one that I discovered thru a farmer at the local farmers market. It is called Zephrine-Drouhin, a French antique rose that is a newer hybrid {no thorns at all and grows in sun or shade}. It has a really sweet fragrance too. Our Zephrine was hit hard by the ice storm a few years back, but after much TLC from the gardener, she {the rose} is loving her second lease on life. I would love to also hear from you, dear readers, what some of your favorite roses are as well!
Okay, drum roll...
My Top Three Spring Must-Haves: 1. A ruffly {rrrrrggggh, that's supposed to be sexy} blouse
2. A fedora
3. A good and fresh punch in the fridge {Martha S.}
Hope all of you have a beautiful week! Be sure and tell me what your favorite rose bush is!!